
Banana Bread Recipe

December 12, 2013

Banana Bread RecipeI hate cooking and baking. They’re some of the last things I want to do on a daily basis. If I had a choice between instant ramen and cooking a meal, hands down, I’d choose the instant stuff. If I don’t have to be in the kitchen, I won’t. However, once in a blue moon, I get a weird cooking/baking bug, and I manage to whip up something by my own free will.

I’m sure everyone has a banana bread recipe that they swear is the greatest on earth. I mean, let’s face it-banana bread is delicious…not to mention a great way to avoid feeling guilty about those old bananas you never got around to eating.

My mom used to make banana bread fairly often when I was growing up. I didn’t really appreciate it until I didn’t have any deliciousness readily available to me.

I’m all about a recipe that’s simple and easy since I don’t have a lot of patience when it comes to stuff in the kitchen.

So if you’re ever wanting to try a bread recipe that even Jackie is willing to make every once in a while, here it is:

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cube butter
2 eggs
3-4 bananas
Wax paper

For the topping:
1 cup walnuts
butter (cut into little cubes/chunks)
cinnamon/sugar — 2-3 tbsp? (just use your best guess!)

Melt the cube of butter in the microwave a bit so it’s easier to mix…

In a large bowl, mix the butter, flour, eggs, baking soda, baking powder and sugar.

In another bowl, mash 3 or 4 bananas and then add to the flour mix.

Use a loaf pan….spray it a bit with some cooking spray, then put wax paper in the pan. Pour the batter into the pan.

Now you’re ready for the topping. Line the chunks of butter in rows (or random, whatevs) across the whole top and then chop up your walnuts (or buy pre-chopped!) and spread over top. Finally, take your cinnamon-sugar mix and spread/sprinkle that over the top of everything.

Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60min.

After it’s all cooled and everything, you should just be able to grab the wax paper and slip the loaf out of the pan!

I’ve only had a problem with this bread not turning out once, and that was because of a big fail on my part (and even then, it still turned out ok. Not presentable, but still tasty). I once accidentally had my oven set to broil rather than bake… After about 15 min in the oven, things were smoking because the wax paper was burning quite a bit. I couldn’t figure out why it was happening after only being in the oven for such a short time… so I kept it in the oven. The top was very burnt, but the rest was still delicious!

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