
2014: Day 1/365

January 1, 2014

A few years ago, I attempted to do a 365 photo project. I think I made it to my third month before it crashed and burned. Against better judgment, I’ve decided to try and attempt it again this year. We’ll see how far I get because…let’s be honest: Jackie loves her sleep, and sometimes a date with her pillow becomes much more important than snapping a photo.

First Baltimore Sunset of 2014

Sometimes I walk the same streets over and over without ever taking notice of some obvious landmarks. I blame my Asian genes for my occasional obliviousness. As I set out to take a walk down St. Paul late this afternoon, I actually acknowledged the presence of the giant parking garage that I’m sure I’ve gone past dozens of times since moving to Baltimore (to be fair, when you’re focusing all your concentration on finding street parking while at the same time trying to avoid upsetting short-tempered Baltimore drivers, it becomes pretty easy to miss a lot of things). After wondering how long it had been there, I decided to see if I could get in the stairwell and actually make it to the top to get a better view of the city. A few huffs and puffs later, I emerged at the top and discovered a lovely new place to chill and take in ‘Charm City.’ Wish I had known about this spot before New Year’s eve…perhaps I could have actually attempted to see the fireworks display at the Inner Harbor. Next time…

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